
How Dissolved Air Flotation Works

Dissolved Air Flotation – abbreviated as DAF – is one of the most effective and efficient ways to treat wastewater in a hygienic, safe, and reliable manner. Aerofloat has invested heavily in DAF and that has resulted in innovation – AeroDAF features patented design elements that mean lower maintenance of the DAF system than any other model on market. It also means that the AeroDAF system can be smaller (ideal for businesses in the heart of cities where space is at a premium), and can be delivered in a far more cost-effective manner. The specifics of DAF Dissolved Air Flotation is so effective because it uses very simple, natural systems to separate contaminants from water. Wastewater enters the DAF tank, where it is first mixes with dissolved air under pressurised circumstances. What this means is that the dissolved air forms into millions of small air bubbles which float upwards, “catching” and carrying dirty particles to the top of the tank.  At that point the water is effective...

Who needs portable sewage treatment systems?

Anywhere where people are going to stay and/or live on a permanent or regular basis needs a sewage treatment system. This is not just for the sake of hygiene and health, but it’s also a regulatory and legal requirement. Constructing these can come at great expense when the location is remote or transitory, however, and that’s where portable sewage treatment systems can be a major boon to a business. There are two key benefits to portable Sewage Treatment System : 1) They’re incredibly useful for temporary sites where the population is only transitory, or the site might not be a long-term, permanent settlement.  2) They are useful for highly remote or inconvenient locations, particularly when populations will be kept low.  Here are just two examples where Aerofloat’s expertise with delivering tailored portable sewage treatment systems has helped the client meet all its social and legal requirements, while maximising the efficiency of its operation: Tourism: Remote accommod...

Choose Safe & Effective Sewage Treatment Solutions For Your Site

Sewage is a combination of water and waste which contains organic and inorganic solids from different establishments such as commercial, industrial or residential etc. Hence, cleaning up of wastewater is critical to the health of a site. For that, you’ll need a quality sewage treatment plant (STP) that will eliminate harmful contaminants in the most economical manner, and one that is compliant with your local and state regulations. There are several ways that sewage can be treated. The processes involve the collection of the sewage, its screening, treatment, and then disposal in a way that it will not pose any hazards to human health or the environment. Industries use a lot of water every day for production and other processes. Have you ever wondered how to best treat the waste water? Left untreated it is harmful to the surroundings, rivers, and the environment, but Australia has a robust regulatory environment around water treatment that helps to prevent that from happening. It's ...